TCA - The Colour Accelerator
TCA - the product that started it all! Reduce the processing time of your colour/bleach services by adding a few drops to your mixture.

STB - Stop The Burn
Stand out from the crowd with STB and make colour and bleach services more comfortable for your clients. By simply adding a few drops to your mixture STB will alleviate itching, burning, irritation and chemical burn.
GOD - Gray Oxidizing Drops
G.O.D is a game changer for your clients with resistant grey hair. Guarantees 100% grey coverage and it can be mixed with all professional brands of colour as well as other products within the Powertools range - TCA and G.O.D are a perfect pair!

TRA - The Resistant Assistant
TRA is a 3 minute pre-softener to help with colours and perms on resistant hair. Suitable for use with all professional colour brands and perming/relaxing treatments.
CFI - Colour Filler Insurance
CFI is the perfect pre-treatment for colouring damaged hair. Ensure even colour results with this porosity filler, packed with proteins and amino acids, while protecting the integrity of your clients hair.

CBC - Colour Balance Corrector
CBC is an intense blue additive to help reduce brassiness. Add this to your colour or bleach mixture or add a few drops to customize your clients favourite shampoo.
TCS - The Colour Stain Remover
Clients love a fresh colour but no one loves that tell-tale hairline stain. Remove colour stains from skin with TCS.

COS - Colour Out System
COS is the ammonia and bleach free way to lift out unwanted permanent, demi and semi permanent colours. Gentle enough to re-colour right away.
CSL - Colour Shade Lifter
CSL is a pro colourists product to keep handy! Lifts out up to 3 shades (not levels) of artificial colour. Perfect for those red shades with muddy, built up ends, over-toned blondes and more.

PCS - Protect, Conditioner, Styling Aid
PCS is the perfect finish to your colour services. It neutralizes residual peroxide and other alkali treatments in the hair as well as acting as a styling tool and helping to prevent colour fade.
TCF - The Speed Weaver Colour Foil Comb/DVD
TCF Speed Weaver allows you to highlight in half the time! With the instructional DVD learn multiple techniques to create different looks with the one comb.